
11 Aug 2010

Wayne's World Wannabees

Me and Hayley!
See the resemblance?

Cooler Magazine !!

 Cooler is an alternative lifestyle haven, featuring the best of Surf, Snow, Street, Style, News & Interviews.
I subscribed for 6 issues and I absolutely love it.
It's so motivating and keeps me posted with the latest alternative trends and features indepth interviews with people of all backgrounds.

The most influencing article i found was in Issue 25 jun/jul 2010 '' Go Your Own Way''
The article consisted of interviews with successful business women, from designers of clothes and accessories to nail technitions and dance instructurs.

The  Lazy Oaf interview was the best.
Gemma Sheil the brainchild of the brand. Look'er up!

It's Summer!

I literally live for this season!
Everything about it makes me grin!

The Colours
The Smells
The Music
The Food
The beaches
The Social Gatherings
And definetly the festivals!! :)

I think I could quite happily hybernate for Autumn, Winter and Spring!